Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
The people of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church come together to love, serve, and strengthen all people in Christ Jesus.
Fill the Gazebo food drive
Outreach Team
The Outreach Team function is to:

Provide ways for members to deepen and enrich their spiritual lives through fellowship activities. Plan and implement programs that will make new members feel welcome in this congregation.

Explore, plan, stimulate, coordinate and supervise a ministry of volunteers in the area of social concerns in this congregation and the community. Included are:
    Fill the Gazebo
    Breaking Bread Community Meal
    Food Pantry/Help Center
    Holiday Baskets
    Other social programs 

Cooperate with other churches and community agencies in their study, education, service and action as they relate to social concerns.

If you have a question or comment about something that we do or if you have something you would like us to do, please contact us.
Meeting Minutes:

What do you think of my page?The best on the web
pretty good
not bad
needs help
Our Saviour's has worship in person the Weekend of March 27th and 28th.

We have a limited number of people that can attend. Please sign up if you plan to attend. 
Select the time you will be attending:
Number of people attending:
Saturday 4:30pm
Sunday 9:00am